October 5, 2021

Work-Life Balance Means Happier Employees

There are many reasons we work. Ideally, you get a sense of purpose and accomplishments out of your work, possibly make good friends, and learn new things. But the main reason most people work is to support themselves and their families. Work, at its most basic provides a means of supplying food, shelter, education, and healthcare to the people we love most.

It’s not different for your employees. As much as you strive to provide a fulfilling work environment, they go home–to someone–at the end of the work day. When you recognize that your employees have lives outside of work, and support their ability to pursue those values, you give them a better work experience. Employees will stick with companies that support their work-life balance. So, what benefits can you offer to achieve that end?

Offer Flexible Work Options

The world and workforce are always changing. See how you can incorporate flexible schedules and remote working into your company.

Flexible scheduling allows for employees to work when it’s best for them. After all, not everyone can thrive in the typical 9-to-5 workday. Allow those who work better in the evenings or afternoons to work when they’re most productive. Give them a chance to drop off their kids at school, or get home in time for dinner, depending on what works best for them.

Remote is becoming more common all the time. Naturally, this won’t work for every position, especially in manufacturing. However, consider ways that people in administrative roles, for example, might work from home occasionally. Put measures in place that allow employees to access your computer network securely from anywhere.

Offer Mentorship and Partnership Opportunities

Giving someone a mentor is an effective way to pass knowledge along to new employees. Pair new employees with someone who has been at your company for a long time, or knows the industry well. Doing this ensures there won’t be as many knowledge gaps when older generations leave the workforce.

As for partnership opportunities, look for ways your company can partner with organizations to increase diversity or prospect applicants. Many companies are looking to get qualified minorities jobs. Research some in your area. Doing this once again shows your employees you’re committed to workplace diversity.

Provide Floating Holidays and Ample Time Off

Not everyone in your company celebrates the holidays as you. As a way to promote diversity, give your employees floating holidays. Because different holidays sometimes fall on weekdays, it gives your employees the chance to take the day off from work to celebrate their holiday. It also shows them and others surrounding the employee that you value diversity and gives you positive word of mouth.

Provide Paid Parental Leave

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, only 14 percent of U.S. workers have access to paid family leave. While some states are working towards providing families with paid leave, there is still plenty of work to be done. Family situations are continually changing. Giving your employees the ability to take care of various family members while still being paid is crucial.

Host Company Days

Company days give your employees to hang out with each other off the job. Whether it’s through a cookout at your house or a rented public space, like a park, having a company day gives your employees the chance to bond off the clock and foster new relationships with each other.

Give Employees Discounts on Popular Attractions

Depending on the size of your company, you may receive discounts on your insurance, whether it’s health insurance or insurance for a fleet of vehicles. You may also be able to give your employees discounted membership or admission to local attractions, like zoos, amusement parks, or museums. Allowing your employees and their families to take advantage of local attractions can boost their morale and may lead to better performance on the job.

As an employer, you have plenty of options to ensure happy employees. You also set the tone when it comes to what goes on during work hours. Showing commitment to your mission and values encourages your employees to the same, again letting them be happier.
